Auto-Pinning Windows

You can configure DeskPins to automatically pin certain windows as soon as they are created. This should be useful in case you always want to make an application topmost (e.g. Calculator, console windows, etc).


You can specify which windows will be auto-pinned by adding auto-pin rules (see Autopin options). Every time a window is created, DeskPins will check whether it satisfies any rules, and if so, it will pin it. A rule consists of two parameters: a title and a class, which are explained below. Both parameters can contain DOS-style wildcards (* and ?) and they are not case sensitive.


The window title is usually displayed on its caption. Applications also display the title of their main window on the taskbar. The title may contain more than just the application name; for example, many programs also display a document name.

When you create a rule based on the window title, you should try to specify the part of the title that stays the same. An example may help: Suppose you would like to create a rule for Notepad. The window's title will be "Untitled - Notepad" if no file is open, or "some file name - Notepad" otherwise. To make sure that both cases are covered, you should mask out the variable part and only keep the part that's always the same. So, you could use something like "* - Notepad", where the * wildcard represents any possible combination of characters.


The window class is essentially its type. It is specified when a window is created and remains unchanged until its removal. It is used mainly by application developers; most end users need not worry about it. However, because of its persistence, the window class can be used to easily identify windows. For example, all Notepad windows have a class name of "Notepad". So, another way to detect these windows would be to specify their class name, without worrying about the title, since only Notepad windows will be of class "Notepad". However, using both the class name and the window title (wherever possible) is considered best practice.

Some examples of class names are:

The Edit Rule dialog provides a simple way to read the title and class of any window by using the mouse.


Although the class name is invariable during the lifetime of a window, its title is not. To make things worse, the title usually changes after the window is created but before it is shown, making it impossible to see the original title. To overcome this, DeskPins lets you specify a delay after the creation of a window, to allow for any changes to take place. This delay is measured in milliseconds and applies for all the rules. You can set this delay, along with the auto-pin rules in the Autopin options page.
